Monday, June 27, 2011

Leecher Mods: HHD Device Monitoring Studio review + Network Monitor 2 Licenses to GiveAway

Leecher Mods: HHD Device Monitoring Studio review + Network Moni...: "Device Monitoring Studio (DMS) is a modular application, like Microsoft Management Console (mmc.exe) but on steroids. My review continued on LeecherMods..."

Sunday, June 19, 2011

[MFH] MegaLeecher GiveAway [] 61 Zevera Premium Accounts [] Multi File Hoster

MegaLeecher has announced their latest GiveAway featuring Zevera. 61 lucky contestants will each receive a Zevera Premium Account, which will be distributed as follows:

Thirty 30 Day Accounts
Twenty 90 Day Accounts
Ten 180 Day Accounts
One 365 Day Account

For details about the MegaLeecher GiveAway:

I classify Zevera as a Multi File Host [MFH], but that really doesn't do it justice. Zevera offers the following as its main services for premium members:
  • Unlimited storage capacity for uploaded files.
  • An integrated search engine.
  • Anonymous proxy surfing.
Zevera has additional features as well and is very aggressive at improving and expanding. What I find to be Zevera's best selling point is that you have one account that covers not only 22 of the most frequently used file hosts, but it also supports the user in every aspect involved in using a file host. It's like having all your eggs in one basket.

Details about the MegaLeecher GiveAway:

Friday, June 17, 2011

[PLG] Premium Link Generator [] Unlimited! [] [FSC][FS][WU]